Friday, July 3, 2009

My Facebook absence

It's really bad when you decide to step on over to Facebook a week after your birthday and discover that all your friends have left you well wishes and you didn't even know it.

I joined Facebook a few years ago. And I was hooked for a while. There were days when all I did was see what was going on there and sending cyber-gifts and stuff. Wow.

Now, if I remember to sign in it's near a miracle. Not good. These people all had such good intentions and I was completely oblivious to it. (Could it be I'm quickly turning into a jerk? I better knock that crap out right away.)

It just might be the return of the Sam - better than ever? We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Facebook is an addiction ... it's better to stay off of it!

    If only I can listen to my own advice ...


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