Sunday, July 19, 2009

The end of the world as we know it, or how Sam endured the neck injury.

So, I've been absent a few days. Can't say that I'm particularly happy with the results of my trip to IKEA. I didn't get anything. Until some things are situated in my bedroom, there will be no purchases from said store. So, I had to just browse and enjoy the little trip that included dining at the cafeteria (I heart the veggie wraps!). I've also decided that my new mattress will be the Sultan Hagavik. There's no way around it. They may mark it as being medium-firm (or medium-soft depending on your point of view - glass half-full or empty, whatever), but it is by far the most comfortable mattress they have there.

It sucks driving when checking your blind spot is like being executed (and not one of the better ways, like lethal injection - we're talking the mega-voltage through your head and starting your hair on fire executions). I really don't have anyone to blame but myself. I should've been sleeping on my back during this neck thing, but I'm stubborn. It is the most natural thing in the world to sleep on my side. I can't imagine any other way and actually being able to sleep.

Anyway, it's been a boring few days. Working, resting the neck, watching stuff on Hulu (my new best friend). Not much to blog about. Still, thought I should make an appearance. Don't want people to think I died or anything. Truthfully, I've fallen off the planet for much longer before. I'm trying to end that habit.

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