Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dead Tomatoes

I'm hoping that the tomato plant survives until it can be planted. A large amount of dead leaves have shown up and it's a little disconcerting. At least the pepper plants are thriving so far.

The farmer's market is open today. Considering heading out for some fresh stuff. Hoping they have melons. I'm really in the mood for a good fruit salad.

I cannot believe the amount of people dropping dead lately. Not just the famous ones, although that can't help.

My uncle Dick passed away on Friday. We attended his funeral in MN yesterday. Shannon and I hung out outside for a while with Lily. (She's not quite old enough to understand the gravity of a funeral. Shannon says she's unpredictable. She'll be shy one minute, then singing at the top of her lungs in front of dozens of strangers the next. Best keep her out of the way.)

Mom knows of two or three people from work who just died this last week. And then you factor in the celebrities. Unreal!

Michael Jackson (whose death seemed to consume the media - what about Farrah?)
Farrah Fawcett
Ed McMahon
Karl Malden
Billy Mays

The anniversary of Dad's death is upcoming - July 10. I can't believe it's been 13 years! Still miss him.

Could the last couple weeks be more depressing? People dying, death anniversaries, and I turned 30. Go figure!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it has been a depressing week or so for deaths lately ... forgot that famous football player ...

    Steve McNair

    Still all is so tragic.

    I saw Michael's Memorial special yesterday. I mean, I knew he was famous and still around, I just can't help think of the trial and his being a pedofile and all. But all of a sudden, his death changes things. It's as if it never happened ...


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